Almost every person in his life has encountered signs of nail fungus and skin on his feet. In medicine, this disease is called ringworm of the foot. The causative agents are the yeasts and molds Trichophyton, Mentagrophyton and Epidermophyton. Is it possible to get rid of the fungus on the legs with the help of natural folk remedies, we will tell in our article.

A few words about the mushroom
Dermatomycosis of the foot can begin to develop after visiting public places (beach, swimming pool, sauna, spa salon). Wearing leather shoes that create a humid and warm atmosphere is another factor that provokes the development of the disease.
The yeast microflora is adapted for parasitic life in the upper layers of the skin, as well as on its derivatives - the nails. During their life, fungi destroy keratin, which worsens the condition of the legs.
A healthy person has fat on the skin. It acts as a protective layer and helps fight infections.
If there is not enough fat in the body, for example in case of dryness or excessive sweating, microcracks can form on the skin. Thus, a favorable atmosphere is created for the reproduction of the fungus and its deep penetration into the foot. In order to eliminate the signs of mycosis, you need to understand the cause of the development of the disease and eliminate these factors.
The most common causes of nail fungus and skin on the legs are:
- diabetes mellitus - this disease cannot be treated, however, with the help of special preparations, the patient's condition can be maintained;
- immunity problems;
- impaired circulation in the legs;
- birth defects of the foot in the form of flat feet, narrow gaps between the fingers;
- wearing the wrong shoes (tight, non-hygroscopic, uncomfortable, synthetic).
Folk remedies for foot fungus
As a rule, patients already notice the fungus in the later stages. This is due to the fact that at the beginning of the development of the disease it practically does not manifest itself. If you still managed to diagnose the disease at an early stage, you can try to get rid of it with the help of natural folk remedies. At later stages, the treatment of fungus on the legs is effective only with the use of pharmaceuticals.
potassium permanganate
This tool in the form of a solution quickly and effectively fights the infection of the feet. Potassium permanganate is the most popular antimicrobial drug that has long been used in medicine. Sold in the form of powder and crystals. A solution of potassium permanganate is detrimental to the spores of the nail and leg fungus. Has disinfectant properties. It is important to note that only a freshly prepared solution is effective.
Methods of using potassium permanganate in the treatment of mycosis: used in the form of foot baths. It is necessary to dilute the product in warm water to obtain a solution similar to beet juice, make sure that there are no undissolved crystals left in the water. Dip your legs in it so that the feet are completely covered. The duration of the procedure is at least ten minutes.
If you feel a burning sensation of the skin, reduce the concentration of potassium permanganate. After steaming, cut off the dead particles of the nail with nail scissors, process the feet with a hard file. The duration of treatment is two weeks.
Harmfulness of potassium permanganate: at high concentration, the solution can cause redness and irritation, as well as burns. Avoid contact of crystals with mucous membranes and eyes.
Widespread folk remedy. Before starting treatment with iodine, you need to check the sensitivity to the components of the solution. To do this, carry out the following test: apply a drop of iodine to the bend of the elbow and observe the reaction of the skin throughout the day. If there is no redness and itching, treatment can begin. When using the solution, the dosage must be strictly observed, otherwise you risk burning yourself and damaging your nails and skin.
Be prepared for the fact that for several days the plates will have a yellow tint. Therefore, it is recommended to carry out treatment sessions before the weekend or during the holidays, especially for women in the summer.
Iodine has a disinfecting antimicrobial effect. Harm from the use of the solution is possible only in case of individual intolerance to the components of the drug. The course of treatment directly depends on the degree of neglect of mycosis. It can range from twenty days to several months. This period is quite enough for the nail plate to fully grow and recover. For the duration of the treatment, observe meticulous hygiene and use only personal manicure tools.
Iodized foot bath. The treatment consists of spraying the skin in lukewarm water. Add a few drops of a 5% iodine solution to the bath. The duration of the procedure is 15-20 minutes. After steaming, carefully process the feet with a hard file, and the nail plates with manicure tools.
For greater efficiency, at the end of the procedure, lubricate the legs with hydrogen peroxide and apply a gauze bandage on top for the night. This will enhance the antibacterial effect. These procedures can be carried out no more than three times a week.
Preparation of a solution of iodine and vinegar. The therapy proceeds according to the scheme: a week the nails and feet should be treated daily with iodine, then a week - 9% table vinegar. Continue alternating treatments for one to two months until you see results.
Boric acid
It is a fine, odorless crystalline powder, available free of charge from pharmacies. This remedy is contraindicated during pregnancy and lactation, with individual intolerance to the components of the drug, kidney disease. It is not recommended to treat large areas of the body with boric acid, as well as children under 12 years old. Therapy will be useless without careful personal hygiene and daily disinfection of shoes.
The benefits of boric acid in the elimination of fungal infections: the creation of an acidic environment contributes to the complete destruction of the fungus, cleansing the skin and nails of dead cells. Also, the advantage of the drug is its relative cheapness with high efficiency.
The course of treatment is about a month. If necessary, the duration can be extended up to two months. The method of use is very simple: every day, morning and evening, wipe the affected areas with boric acid. If you have free time, you can pre-steam your legs so that the active ingredients penetrate deep into the skin.
A natural remedy actively combats hyperhidrosis, excessive sweating and unpleasant odors. The drug is easily tolerated by the body. Advantages of using ammonia in the treatment of mycosis: low price, versatility (the drug has antibacterial and antifungal effect), there is no toxic effect.
Disadvantages: the likelihood of allergies in case of individual intolerance. It is not recommended to use the drug on large areas of the body affected by the fungus, as this will not bring any results, it will only cause burns.
It should be noted that ammonia is effective in the early stages of the disease. To enhance the effect, it is desirable to keep the affected nails and feet in contact with ammonia for as long as possible. To do this, prepare lotions.
Directions: Dilute two tablespoons of ammonia in a glass of water. Before going to bed, soak the gauze in the resulting solution and wrap your feet with it. Put a plastic bag and warm socks on top. Leave the compress overnight. The duration of treatment is two weeks. As a rule, this time is enough to eliminate the most obvious symptoms of the disease.
Apple vinegar
The remedy has long been used in the treatment of mycoses. The composition of the apple bite includes active ingredients that destroy the spores of the fungus, cleanse and heal wounds and soften the skin.
With this tool, you can treat both small areas of skin and large areas. There are no contraindications to the use of apple bite, individual intolerance may leave an exception, but this is extremely rare. To enhance the effect of therapy, it is recommended to treat with vinegar not only the feet, but also socks and shoes.
Foot baths. Mix two liters of warm water and three cups of apple cider vinegar in a small bowl, soak the feet in the resulting solution so that they are completely covered with water. Out of habit, you may feel a burning sensation, over time such a reaction will pass.
The duration of the first procedure should not exceed two minutes, you can gradually increase the interval. The maximum duration of the procedure is twenty minutes. The course of treatment is one month, the number of procedures does not exceed three per week.
Apple cider vinegar with vegetable oil. Mix apple cider vinegar with vegetable oil 1: 1. Dip the gauze in the resulting solution and wrap it around the soles of your feet. Put plastic bags and warm socks on top. It is advisable to leave the compress overnight. The procedure should be carried out within a month, 2-3 times a week.
Prevention of foot fungus
To avoid yeast infections, follow these recommendations:
- In public places (bath, swimming pool, sauna, changing rooms) always wear flip flops, as a humid and warm environment contributes to the development of pathogenic microflora;
- If you are forced to stay in closed shoes for a long time, use special protective creams;
- Once a month, disinfect shoes with special sprays;
- Periodically drink a complex of vitamins and minerals to increase immunity;
- Give up bad habits;
- Once a week, thoroughly disinfect the floors and walls of the bathroom;
- Wash bed and underwear at high temperature;
- Do not use someone else's shoes, socks, tights;
- Do a pedicure once or twice a month to remove the keratinized dermis.
Remember that fungus is easier to prevent than to cure. If signs of illness appear, contact a specialist.